8D Problem Solving training

8D Problem Solving Training


Eight steps of 8D analysis:

1. Control and prevention – similarities and differences

2. Eight steps of 8D analysis:

D0 – Preparation and Problem Statement:

  • Initial problem evaluation criteria
  • Emergency Response Actions (ERA) – when we use it and what information is needed for its validation
  • Case study

D1 – Team:

  • Recommended team and team members
  • Tasks
  • Meetings conducting methodology
  • Case study

D2 – Problem definition (use of facts)

D3 – Interim Containment  Actions:

  • ensuring effectiveness in the context of customer safety
  • actions examples implemented by production plant and at the customer’s location

D4 – Root cause analysis:

  • Tools and documentation review

D5 – Identify corrective actions

D6 – Permanent Corrective Actions (PCA) implementation and effectiveness assessment

D7 – Preventive measures:

  • Documents examples that need to be updated after a claim
  • Difference between Read Across and Lesson Learned

D8 – Analysis finishing and congratulations to the team

3. Describe the search for causes of nonconformity

4. Records of actions taken

5. Tools for initiating corrective and preventive actions:

  • Ishikawa Diagram for:
    • Why Happened (WH)
    • Why Undetected (WU)
  • 5 Why:
    • Correct transition to the next question
    • Case study
  • 5W2H analysis and “Is / Is Not”
  • Properly performed problem description
    • Common mistakes made by the team
    • Case study

6. Group Troubleshooting:

  • Building an interdisciplinary team
  • Communication in a team
  • Group search for causes of nonconformity

Date of open training in English language:

19.11.2024 – online training session

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Automotive Quality Solutions
8D problem solving training - steps of 8D methodology



Training program

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Automotive Quality Solutions

Thanks to 8D Problem Solving training participant will learn:

  • How to document the 8D activities
  • Principles of team building
  • Practice creative exploration of the root causes
  • How to distinguish between a symptom and a root cause during the analysis
  • What are the practices of creatively identifying the causes of nonconformity
  • How to implement preventive actions (section D7) to prevent the problem recurrence
  • How to proceed in individual steps according to 8D methodology basing on practical case studies
  • How to properly describe the problem, avoiding going to conclusions
  • Interim Containment Actions (ICA) and Permanent Corrective Actions (PCA) correct effectiveness assessment

Automotive Quality Solutions


  • 1 day (7 hours)



– 250 EUR for one participant

In case of 2 or more participants from the same plant offer 10% discount on the second and all other participants.

The invoice due date will be 30 days from the invoice issue date. The invoices for the services will be issued after the service delivery.

There is also possibility to organize inhouse training sessions or internal online sessions for companies – for details, please get in touch with office.


Price include:

  • Training participation
  • Training materials
  • Certificate
  • 12 months consulting for participants