Stellantis ex-FCA client portals training

eSupplierConncet, MaPS, SQP, beSTandard

Stellantis client portals training – agenda:

1) eSupplierConnect – base supplier portal

  • Portal overview
  • Making requests (tickets) for access to new portals

2) MaPS – portal APQP:

  • IAA (Interim Approval Authorization) management with Stellantis-FCA contact persons who need to approve document
  • IMDS verification
  • Uploaded PA (Process Audit), Capacity Assessment CAT (ex-PDR), Advance Quality Planning AQP (ex-Process Planning Review) verification
  • Verification of:
    • Supplier Product Validation (ex- Autoqualification plans)
    • Engineering Product Validation (ex – Integrative Tests) performer by Stellantis-FCA Laboratory
    • Plant Evaluation result (ex-Benestare)
  • Off Tool Off Process final process in final location. Starting point for the customer plant for ordering PPAP samples from the supplier.
  • Full Qualification – when it is granted and how to verify it.

3) Supply Quality Performance – quality claim from 0-km and spare parts:

  • 08018 norm overview
  • Incoming Material Quality IMQ (ex-Bid List Rules) guideline
  • Practical discussion of the SQP database
  • Introduction of certificates and contact persons
  • Reports and Incoming Material Quality (ex-Bid List) creation
  • Practical considerations for 8D and Cross-out Requests uploading
  • Overview of pre-tickets and tickets
  • Involved Costs overview
  • Information on Sustainable Supplier Self Assessment (SSSA)

4) beSTandard – Stellantis-FCA norm portal:

  • Standard searching
  • News letter setting (automatic notification of updates)
  • Guidelines on who to contact about the expiration of the annual authorization
  • How to proceed to decode ppdf files.

Submit a request

Automotive Quality Solutions
Image module



Training program

PDF file
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Download training program (PDF)

Automotive Quality Solutions

Participant will learn:

  • using the SQP (Supply Quality Performance) portal including the introduction of certificates, writing 8D reports, Cross-out Request, reporting and Bid List.
  • using the MaPS client APQP including the verification of SPV, EPV, PE, PA, AQP, Capacity Assessment CAT (ex-PDR), IMDS status. Additionally, he will gain knowledge of how to complete a derogation (IAA) in the MaPS system and how to verify approval status.
  • searching Stellantis ex-FCA norms and standards


Automotive Quality Solutions

  • Quality Engineers, Customer Quality Engineers, Quality Assurance Engineers, Project Managers, Program Managers

Automotive Quality Solutions

Additional information:

In order to conduct practical exercises with regard to the navigating of the above portals, participants have to have access to SQP and MaPS portal.


Duration: 1 day – 7 hours


Dates of open trainings:

07.10.2024 – online training session



– 400 EUR for one participant (for open training session)

In case of 2 or more participants from the same plant offer 10% discount on the second and all other participants.

There is also possibility to organize in-house training sessions or internal online sessions for companies – for details, please get in touch with office.

The invoice due date will be 30 days from the invoice issue date. The invoices for the services will be issued after the service delivery.


Price includes:

  • Training participation
  • Training materials
  • Certificate
  • 12 months free consulting for participants


Check out also our article eSupplierConnect, MaPS, SQP, beSTandard the most important Stellantis-FCA client portals