One Point Lesson - practical application in the Organization

One Point Lesson – Practical application in the organization

A One Point Lesson is a tool widely used in organizations striving for continuous process improvement and enhancing employee skills. The document serves to convey specific, clear information about a particular aspect of work, usually related to safety, quality, or work efficiency.

VDA 2 - production process and product approval

VDA 2 – Production process and product approval

Approving production parts according to VDA 2 is a crucial element of quality assurance in the automotive industry. This document, developed by the German organization VDA, aims to standardize the production and product approval process.

Rework or Repair - What are the differences during application

Rework or Repair – What are the differences?

In the world of industry and production, issues related to product quality and compliance with standards are extremely important. It often happens that finished products require modifications or repairs to meet specific customer requirements. In such cases, organizations face a choice: rework or repair?

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis – Tool for Individual Success

In the business world, SWOT analysis is an essential tool for strategic planning, helping organizations understand their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. But did you know that the same tool can be equally effective in the context of personal development?

Product Approval Process - blog post picture

Product Approval Process – What mistakes to avoid?

The Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is one of the most crucial activities for an organization, both during new launches and ongoing production. Therefore, it's important to know what mistakes to avoid in order to receive them within the required timeframe.